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calf barn造句

"calf barn"是什么意思  
  • The addition's basement level contains a calf barn with its pens and animal-feeding facilities.
  • There are puppies that play in the calf barn too.
  • The barn is accompanied by a 2, 000-square-foot Milking Parlor ( 1938 ) and a Calf Barn.
  • Inside are horse stalls and a hayloft on the upper level and a calf barn on the lower.
  • Coveralls, down jacket and borrowed black rubber boots kept out the icy northwest wind as she trekked from the calf barn, lugging the white plastic pails of feed for the winter-shaggy Gelbvieh-Limousins lingering in the frozen corral, waiting for the sight of a person with a pail.
  • It's difficult to see calf barn in a sentence. 用calf barn造句挺难的
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